


Serbian Tradition: Đurđevdan – Saint George’s Day

Yesterday, on the 6th of May was an important day: Đurđevdan or in the language of the Roma: (H)ederlezi.

Understanding Serbian Christmas

Serbian Christmas and Easter holidays apply the Julian calendar meaning that the Serbs celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January. There are a lot of intricate traditions varying from place to place. In a number of regions and areas, particularly in cities,… Continue Reading →

In memory of Ruski Car

This is a story about the day, I started hating Vapiano at the Knez Mihailova Street.

The Burek Magic

Burek is a family of delicious and mouth watering baked fillled pastries made of a thin flaky dough known as phyllo filled with meat, if you want it the traditional way that is. In this day and age, there is lots of different variations of… Continue Reading →

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