“My art is not the answer, it is rather the question.” – Gottfried Helnwein

Gottfried Helnwein is an Austrian artist, who grew up in the post Nazi Vienna. It irritated him, that no one ever spoke about the issues of the WWII.

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So, Helnwein started expressing his critique and a revolt at the same time against the National Socialism. His early work consists mainly of hyper-realistic watercolors, showing wounded and mistreated children. The main aspects of it are the crimes committed during the WWII; Nazism and the Holocaust, combining those with violence on children and pedophilia.

The Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade is showing Helnwein’s extraordinary exhibition including 33 art works until the 18th of January. It takes place in two different locations: One is the Galerie of Milica Zorić and Rodoljub Čolaković in 2 Rodoljuba Čolakovića Street. And the other in the Salon of the Museum at 14 Pariska Street. The salon shows 16 photographs; self-portraits and portraits of Marilyn Manson. In the Galerie you will see his paintings.


Helnwein’s work is shocking and beautiful at the same time. It’s definitely worth visiting the Exhibition!